Generative adversarial networks
by xiangxiang
Dive into Generative adversarial networks
0x00 核心思想(Likelihood-free learning)
- 从两个分布
$ P $
,$ Q $
中分别采样得到样本$ S_1 $
,$ S_2 $
$ S_1 = \{ x \sim P \} $
$ S_2 = \{ x \sim Q \} $
$ S_1 $
,$ S_2 $
给自代表的总体$ P $
,$ Q $
的差异是否显著 -
这里举例一种检验方法: two-sample t检验
零假设(null hypothesis): $ H_0: P = Q $
备择假设(alternative hypothesis) $ H_1: P \neq Q $
双侧检验,检验水平(显著性水平)$ \alpha $
$ t = \frac { \overline { X _ { 1 } } - \overline { X _ { 2 } } } { \sqrt { \frac { \left( n _ { 1 } - 1 \right) S _ { 1 } ^ { 2 } + \left( n _ { 2 } - 1 \right) S _ { 2 } ^ { 2 } } { n _ { 1 } + n _ { 2 } - 2 } } \left( \frac { 1 } { n _ { 1 } } + \frac { 1 } { n _ { 2 } } \right) } $
$ S _ { 1 } ^ { 2 } $和$ S _ { 2 } ^ { 2 } $ 表示样本方差
$ \overline { X _ { 1 } } $和$ \overline { X _ { 2 } } $ 表示样本均值
$ n _ { 1 } $和$ n _ { 2 } $ 表示样本容量
0x01 应用Likelihood-free learning思想到机器学习中
$ S _ {1} = D = \{ x \sim P _ {data} \} $
表示我们实际获取的一个数据集 -
$ S _ {2} = \{ x \sim P _ { \theta } \} $
表示我们想要训练得到的模型 -
目标: 我们训练得到的模型与实际数据模型一样,也就是说
$ S _ {1} = S _ {2} $
应用Likelihood-free learning思想,既然我们的模型使得
$ S_1 $
,$ S_2 $
的差异最小,我们就需要minimizes a two-sample test objective
Optimize a surrogate objective that instead maximizes some distance between $ S _ {1} $ and $ S _ {2} $
0x02 GANs在machine learning体系的位置
- 这时候需要回顾一下应用Machine learning解决实际问题的时候需要考虑的三个要素:
1. 使用何种模型结构(model),比如是LR还是NN
2. 使用怎么样的正则化技巧(regularization),比如是L1/L2/dropout
3. 训练使用什么优化算法(optimization/training), 比如是Adam、SGD
Likelihood-free, MLE(Maximum Likelihood Estimation), MAP(Maximum A Posterior)都是属于大的machine learning思想,GANs相当于在Likelihood-free这个大思想里提出了一个具体的可行方式
GANs是一种思想,我觉得主要归属model+optimization/training, 比如看这个链接
GANs are a model architecture for training a generative model
- 我们还需要选择更加具体的model以及optimization/training方式来实现这一种思想
0x03 GANs如何实现Likelihood-free learning
- GANs的模型包含两部分
- $ G_\theta $: a directed latent variable model that deterministically generates samples
from latent virablez
- $ D_\phi $: a function whose job is to distinguish samples from the real dataset and the generator
- A two player minimax game:
$ \min _ { \theta } \max _ { \phi } V \left( G _ { \theta } , D _ { \phi } \right) = \mathbb { E } _ { x \sim p _ { data } } \left[ \log D _ { \phi } ( \mathbf { x } ) \right] + \mathbb { E } _ { z \sim p _ { z } } \left[ \log \left( 1 - D _ { \phi } \left( G _ { \theta } ( \mathbf { z } ) \right) \right) \right] $
- The generator minimizes a two-sample test objective $ p_{data} = p_{\theta} $
- The discriminator maximizes the objective $ p_{data} \neq p_{\theta} $
$ \mathbb { E } _ { x \sim p _ { data } } \left[ \log D _ { \phi } ( \mathbf { x } ) \right] + \mathbb { E } _ { z \sim p _ { z } } \left[ \log \left( 1 - D _ { \phi } \left( G _ { \theta } ( \mathbf { z } ) \right) \right) \right] $
` $ \Leftrightarrow $ `
$ \mathbb { E } _ { x \sim p _ { data } } \left[ \log D _ { \phi } ( \mathbf { x } ) \right] + \mathbb { E } _ { x \sim { Generator } } \left[ \log \left( 1 - D _ { \phi } \left( x \right) \right) \right] $
` $ \Leftrightarrow $ `
$ \int _ { x } \left( p _ {data} \left( x \right) \log D _ { \phi } \left( x \right) + p _ { generator } \left( x \right) \log \left( 1 - D _ { \phi } \left( x \right) \right) \right) d x $
- 如果我们取定一个Generator,通过对上面的式子求导为0就可以得到最优的判别模型
0x04 GAN traning
Sample minibatch of size m from data:
$ x ^ { (1) }, x ^ { (2) }, ..., x ^ { (m) } \sim Data $
Sample minibatch of size m of noise:
$ z ^ { (1) }, z ^ { (2) }, ..., z ^ { (m) } \sim p _ { z } $
Take a gradient descent step on the generator parameters $ \theta $
Take a gradient ascent step on the discriminator parameters $ \phi $
Repeat n epochs
0x05 GAN training optimization challenges
- 上面的过程其实基于了一个不现实的假设, 也就是
GANs如何实现Likelihood-free learning
部分中假设我们取定的Generator就是真实数据来源的分布空间,我们只是不知道具体的参数而已- 举个例子:我们假设了数据就是一个正态分布,但是我们不知道正态分布的具体参数
If the generator updates are made in function space and discriminator is optional at every step,
then the generator is guaranteed to converge to the data distribution
In practice, the generator loss and discriminator loss keeps oscillating during GAN training
No robust stopping criteria in practice
Mode collapse: the generator of a GAN can often get stuck producing one of a few types of samples over and over again
0x06 常见的GANs模型
tags: GANs machine-learning deep-learning